

托福写作10月12-13日预测——独立写作部分1. Do you agree or with the ? For in and work...



1. Do you agree or with the ? For in and work, the to adapt or to a or is more than of a job or in a field of study.


① 开头段

② 主体段1:First,适应力能够促进交流沟通的能力。 the of and . 环境的变化通常意味着和新的同时伙伴一起学习工作,而在新环境中,你并不熟悉别人,同样,别人也不熟悉你。A means or with new peers,who are not with each other on of , and .当今社会,越来越多的工作学习任务是需要 *** 的团队 *** 。An of have high for who are not only in their , but also in , since tasks are given the need for . 所以你要具备良好的适应力,能够谦虚耐心的更别人沟通讨论,以及有较好的方式去表达自己的观点态度,相互 *** 。只有这样才能更好的完成工作。Thus, is as it one to and with and and a way. Only this way, tasks in work or study can be well done.

③ 主体段2:, 适应调整能力能让人有更好的心态去应对学习工作。Well to a new a to face work or study. 新环境有时候也不仅仅是工作学习场所的变化,更甚至是生活环境的变化。In many cases, not only does new mean of or but also means .这种情况下,良好的适应力能保证一个人的积极应对新生活环境中的变化和困难,从而更好的投入在学习工作中。At this time, can a to and in the new , so as to to or . 举例论证,比如留学生活,要保证生活上对文化环境、语言环境甚至是思念家乡等方面的适应。

④ 让步段:虽然具备一定的专业知识也有其重要性,但是,专业知识只是敲门砖,进入社会工作后,其实仍然可以不断地学习,但是适应能力缺乏的话,不能很好的适应,反而会让你失去一些提升自我的机会,更甚至无法生存下去。我们知道,那些适应力差的人往往在学校生活的不快乐,甚至是颓废沮丧。, is of great . , the in field of study or work is a stone for most jobs, and after work, in fact, one can to learn new . In , if to and real , they would be over for and . Worse, these young even . 所以,生活中我们会发现原本学业上优秀的学生中也有一些人反而在真正的事业发展中表现得并不好Some of the do not well in their real 。

⑤ 结尾段

2. Do you agree or with the : one can learn about from the books and movie that likes.


① 开头段: a of time with is to get to know their and . , can also tell a ’s and his or her by their . When it comes to the of one can learn about from the books or that the likes, I am in favor of this based on the .

② 主体段1:First off, by from the books or or even TV that like we can tell a ’s and , we can learn more about them. For , my back in was into auto , TV shows and even fancy cars. At first, I did not know him so well to know his and , , I was sure at that time that he must have been a big fan of cars. , my was right and he was a car freak, he likes all kinds of like sedan, SUV, , etc. It is not an to claim that he can tell not only the brand but also the of a by just out the of the of the car. , we can tell a ’s by the and books they like.

③ 主体段2:, the genre of the books that reads says a lot about the ’s and . , it is for to shape their just the in the or have a on the ’s and , of the types of the like fairy, alien or with . For , girls who read a lot of like Gone With the Wind might be very and very to they love. For who read or watch and of outer space tend to be very and to take risks, to be more , they might be who can on when they got stuck in some sort of . For who likes to read of all times like the works by Jane or , they tend to the and in lives.

④ 让步段:, one’s books and be the omni of a . Some , such as and real and not from the books and he . But, one’s give some about his level and A with a low level will never read a book too much . , a large of tend to the kind of books to his job to read. So is the movie.

⑤ 结尾段:In a , by from the genre of the book that reads, not only can we tell a lot about the ’s and but also the 's and .

3. Do you agree or with the ?

can solve in their daily life on their own or with the help from ; the help from the is .


① 开头段

② 主体段1:首先,以环境问题为例。众所周知,环境目前日益严重恶化,个人和家庭是无法解决这一问题的。(In the first , the . As is sense, the is so and that the of such a is far the reach of any or . )中国的空气污染就足以说明问题,就算人们能够出门的时候戴口罩或者乘坐公共交通,还是无法解决日益严重的污染问题。(The air in China is a good case in point. the fact that can take some such as masks or the to the haze in the major of China in some , the be . )所以需要 *** 出台相应的奖惩措施来治理环境污染这一重大问题。 (In this case, it is the that can get rid of the cause by down these and laws or to their , which can’t be by any .)

③ 主体段2:其次,教育问题。在中国很多偏远地区的适龄儿童因为贫困和教育资源不足而无法入学。(In the , the same logic goes to the . As is known to all, many -age in rural and areas are not able to in due to the lack of .)在这种情况下,个人和家庭的力量是薄弱的,唯有 *** 才能解决这一问题,实现教育资源的优化配置。(When with the issue above, what or can do is quite . , only the has the and power to to those .)+举例:可以举一些中国希望工程等 *** 基金 *** 来佐证观点。

④ 结尾段:虽然个人和家庭的力量在解决一些重要问题的时候不容忽视,而且也越来越大,而在解决一些重大问题是, *** 的角色还是无法取代的。( the of or is and than , the help from is of great in the of , those in the areas of and )

Do you agree or with the ?

think that the media (TV, , and the ) are less about the of news than in the past, and the may cause more than it to the .


① 开头段:The media the way get . , not all what they see, read or hear from the media. As a of fact, many the of media , and the , which is , today. In , is not as as is .

② 主体段1:First, not to the media, may not with but omit the step of fact check they a story. Since news is time-, in this age when can long their in a , the media must rush their are late, and they can be in a hurry. those are , they are still to a lack of about the truth. By , in the past , when would wait , were able to write with of and they did.

③ 主体段2: it is to deny the of all the media, it is fair to some doubt, as there must be media crews that are . , a or a TV , as a , needs to make sales to ; , , some media are too - to the of their . The worst case is that some , their job as a than an , that sell and are only glad to see that or and that the rakes in money. This was less among past of , who what true is. The media used to have the and would never bend their work — of but only the truth — even they would lose gains.

④ 让步段:In terms of the , is , and if it is mis , it the . , under some , is , and the media alter , under the ’s , to a . For , the media may of in order to the of , which do not help.

⑤ 结尾段:In , , the media, TV, , and the , care less about the of news than in the past. They make or lie. , it is to see only the .

5. Some think that some for young (age 4-8) which video games can serve as and ways of , while think that these are quite and can be seen as a waste of time. What is your and why?

以下给出一个参考思路:A waste of time

① 开头段:Our age that the video game has a from a sign of to a life . , most young aged from four to eight spend a quite long time which video games. This a . Some think that video games serve as and ways of , while think that these are quite . From my , these can be seen as a waste of time. I will my in the .

② 主体段1:, it is for young to fully on the which video games. This is these a quiet place and from young . , if young learn video games, his or her is being torn apart(被分散) and the of must be . A good case in point is that when I was young, if I want to learn , I have to all of my on it and any sight (视觉干扰). , once I play video game, I only the (动画) in it and what I have to learn.

③ 主体段2:, these which video games are to do harm to young ’s . In an stage of young , video games for a long time is to(对...不利)their of and . Worse, it may pose an on , . More and more young at a young age which is a fact. This to the use of eyes by video games.

④ 让步段:, these video game can be very to young and can their in . , we to lose young ’s which is the to .

⑤ 结尾段:To put in the (总之), young are to be with their being by other such as video games which can be a good way to .

6. Which one is the most that the time of ?

- help each other in a

- have or views on

- trust each other

以下给出一个参考思路:选择have or views on

① 开头段

② 主体段1:有共同兴趣爱能好有助于友谊的建立,并且产生很多共同经历( help build and many .)。人们往往会因为相似的爱好而产生关联,互相认识接触并了解彼此(It is very that get and know each other )。在成为朋友之后,我们的工作和生活的方方面面会因为共同兴趣而有更多的接触机会,从而更进一步的巩固友谊,不断地发展下去( more occur in many of our life and work, thus and )。比如,爱好旅行的人可以结伴出游。同样热爱体育竞技,比如篮球、足球等,的人,可以经常一起看比赛,和做运动。同样喜爱阅读的人,甚至喜欢同样的作家的人,会经常在一起去交流沟通,讨论作品。事业与学习上有共同兴趣的人,往往能够互相 *** 促进,抒发自己的想法。所有的这一切都是对友谊点滴的积累,使之更长久(All of this is an of bits of , it last )。

③ 主体段2:对待事情和话题的一致观点能使朋友间相处更加和谐稳定(A of views on and can make more and .)。观念与态度相似的人往往不会产生矛盾冲突(It is known that among who have same views and , not to they have been )。并且,即便偶尔产生矛盾,相同的观念也有助于朋友间互相理解,更好的解决问题(Even there are , views help each other and solve the .)。举例说明。

④ 让步段:诚然,在危机中帮助彼此,雪中送炭( help),也能够加固友情,但是重大危机只是小概率事件(but great are rare ),任何的感情都是从日常生活的点点滴滴积累而成(Any are from the daily life.)。有些朋友一生都没有共同经历风浪,但依然能做一辈子的朋友,因为他们在一起很有趣。此外,完全信任不是友谊长久的先决条件,因为没有人会从认识之初就完全信任对方( trust is not a for , for trust have not come into being from the very they know each other.)。事实上信任是友谊在时间的长期积淀后,逐渐形成的。何况,如果朋友间没有观念的相同,很容易对对方产生质疑,怎么可能会有很好的信任呢。

⑤ 结尾段

7. When you are going to be a , would you like to in an , like pre- or meet with a who is in the same field and has been in this for years?

以下给出一个参考思路: in an

① 开头段

② 主体段1:深度了解学校,以便以后更好地学习。(Get a head start on your and learn more about )。一般学生对于学校的了解仅仅是停留在学校的名字上和一些网站上,(rest on the ’s name and its )但是在这些pre-的活动中,学生们可以对学校有一个全新的认识。比如:在露营的时候,学生们就可以和学长们深入交流(deep ),学长会帮助你回答所有关于学校的问题:如何选课?多久去参加一次聚会?在课堂上遇到困难时,该怎么办?(older at your are there to help all the you have about . How do you which to take? How often do you need to go to ? What do you do when you’re in a class?)因此, 可以让学生充分了解自己的学校,为学习做准备。

③ 主体段2:可以让新生们结实之一批朋友,让自己的生活变得更加地丰富多彩。(Meet your first and make your life more )。Pre-为来自不同地区、学习不同专业的学生们提供交友机会,他们在pre-结交的朋友,很有可能在日后会成为他们的终身益友(Pre- with the to make with each other no where they come from and which major they will be aimed at and the they with even have the to be )。+亦可举例论证。

④ 让步段:虽然和相同领域的学长定期见面有一些好处,比如他可以在我们专业领域给出极具价值的学习指导。(We deny that with a who is in the same field and has been in this for years has , for he can list out all the with our major .)但是,我们可以通过 ,了解到很多专业之外的事情,让我们更快地适应学校的学习和当地的生活。

⑤ 结尾段

8. Do you agree or with the ? among can have on .


① 开头段

② 主体段1:, there is wrong with . 朋友间的良性竞争并不是件坏事。一般来说, 积极的竞争( )对人们很多有好处:激励你更努力地工作,积极奋斗( you to work and for more)。正如孔子所言:“三人行,必有我师焉。”( are more who are than you, one way or )

③ 主体段2:, their bonds . 竞争可以加固友谊。诚然,朋友间会彼此竞争,但也会彼此帮助击败其他竞争对手( also help each other to beat other ),这样会使友谊更加坚固。可举身边朋友的例子或者是运动员之间互相帮助的例子:跳水运动员等

④ 让步段: to be than your at might not be so , .比如:夹杂着愤怒和嫉妒的竞争会使友谊受到重创(a could be by , mixed with rage and/or ),而有时这些情绪又难以消化(too to be )。若想保住友谊,保持良性竞争就非常重要and避免恶性竞争( )。The right thing to do, then, is to keep , if at all.

⑤ 结尾段

9. Do you agree or with the :

it is not for to have meals .


① 开头段:In the 21st , there has been (巨大的进步) in (不同的) of ’s lives. , are busy(越来越忙) and are by work or study(被无休止的工作和学习所淹没). As a , less time is into(被花费在……) and no have meals with . In my , this is and it is for to eat with of the of time. My are as .

② 主体段1:To begin with, meals with can (促进家庭关系). Due to ’s busy daily , and tend to have less . spend most of their time in and with peers; are with(忙于做某事) their work and with(与某人社交) . , are to in the , and then there will be a and . 对比论证:In , if meals with , can the that their with. They can or to find out by them some nice tips. In this way, can feel the care and love from and can know about ’s . It .

③ 主体段2:In , for , meals can ’ .(促进伴侣的感情) sense(常识) tells us that as time goes by, . The lack of can also in or even .对比论证: , by some time with our (伴侣) at meal table we can and each other . at least one meal with our a day shows one’s care and how much we value the other in spite of the busy . to make time for is a great way to love.

④ 结尾段:All in all, the role that with plays on , , I that it is still of great for to eat with .

10. Which do you think is the best way for a to make : a team, , or ?

Use to your .

以下给出一个参考思路: a team

① 开头段:It is that is an part of 's life. This is true for , whose have not been fully , and will help mold their and share their pains as well as . So which way, among a team, in and , is the best for to make ? My is a team. My and are given below.

② 主体段1:In the first place, a team is a great for to meet their peers. Even spend most of their time at , by their peers, , in most cases, a can only know a few well. a team, , to see many other their . Take me for an , on the team of my , I met my whom I had to . We often and so much that we good .

③ 主体段2:, on a team, with each other, which can bring them a sense of unity, and close . For , boys on a team will spend a lot of time . After many tough games, the boys on the team will be able to each other only by . They share the same goal and same ; they laugh and cry . Their is so that can last for the whole .

④ 让步段:, in and are quite good ways of new as well. , I that on a team is an even way. When or , meet with new , too. , the who they meet with are from a from them, so the are that it is hard for them to find , let alone make with them.

⑤ 结尾段:Based on all these , a team is the best way for to make . I hope that more and more go out of their and a good time with their .

11. Do you agree or with the ?

It is a waste of money for to fund space or space .


① 开头段

② 主体段1:不可否认, *** 发展太空旅游和太空探索有许多好处,诸如能够为我们寻找新能源。(, there are of money in space , such as new for human .)举例:因为人口数量激增导致地球上的资源逐渐匮乏,比如一些不可再生资源(non- )如煤炭,石油天然气等。所以这个时候我们更应该多 *** 在太空探索上,为我们找到新能源(new )。

③ 主体段2: *** 太空探索有助于科技的进步,最终给普通市民带来好处( in space and space is to the of ,which is good for human .)因为对于高科技研究的 *** 将会从整体上提升科技的水平,这样科技水平提高了,也可以改善人们的生活,从而促进人民的生活质量,给普通市民带来好处。举例:比如刚开始大量投入资金研究飞机目的是为了 *** ,而现在民用飞机也成为了人们出国旅行所使用的主要交通工具。对于核能源的研究目的是也是为了军事,而最终核能发电也是普通百姓的用电带来了很大保障,且替代了一部分煤炭的使用也是的环境恶化有所遏制。因此可以看出对于太空探索研究的投入也必然会给我们普通市民带来好处。

④ 让步段:虽然 *** 应该把钱投入到发展教育和经济这样的问题上,但是 *** 在太空探索上的好处也是不能被否认的。( be to such as and ,the of in space and space can never be .)

⑤ 结尾段

12. Do you agree or with the ? In the past, were more than they are today.


① 开头段

② 主体段1:社会经济不断发展,人们的生活节奏很快很忙碌,疏于与人有好地沟通交流。With the rapid of , life , in urban area, is fast, the among . 许多人因此在日常生活中抱怨生活的冷漠。Cold is the that many are and about in daily life.

③ 主体段2:电子设备的不断发展,手机电脑等设备占据着人们的大量时间,即便是闲暇时间。游戏和娱乐应用软件是年轻人沉迷,腐蚀着年轻人的生活,使得他们对现实周围非常的漠不关心,更不要说对他人友好。Using , such as *** art and , takes over of time, even time. Games and young , their life and them to real , let along to show to .

④ 主体段3:过去几十年,由于特殊政策(-child ),使得几代人中国人( in China)都是独生子女。他们的生长环境( and )使他们以自我为中心(self-),只关注自己的想法和利益,使得老一辈人感受到了年轻人的自私和冷漠。

⑤ 结尾段

13. Do you agree or with the ? about life.


① 开头段:, many tend to their to take part in some or to join their with some ball games not only bring their (强健的体魄) but also teach life . Quite a few who are about and also admit that they draw their (获得启发,获得鼓舞) from . , from my , can learn about life (有用的生活信念与原则)from .

② 主体段1:坚持不懈的品质。 a , (坚持不懈,不屈不挠). 解释:我们在运动中会面对很多的很困难(face tough ),而在运动赛事中,最基本的规则之一就是坚持到底(one of the most basic rules is to carry on to the end)。不到终点,没人知道谁会赢家(no one knows who will win until the end),并且不论输赢,坚持到底就是战胜自己内心的恐惧(and no win or lose, to hold on to the end the to the fear in heart)。同理(in the same way),在生活中遇到困难的时候,从体育活动中学会的这种坚持的精神(such of from )能帮助人们坚持下去。举例说明。

③ 主体段2:谦虚稳重的性格培养。 is also a that can be from . 解释:体育活动中,失败往往不一定是由于能力不足造成的( tend not to be the of lack of )。而是由于骄傲自满,轻敌的心理造成的(, it is the of and )。同样的,生活中,谦逊使人更容易取得成功。比如:有经验的运动员( )会因为他们的轻敌(treat )在大型比赛像奥林匹克( Games)这样的赛事中遭遇失败( ),遗憾地与奖牌失之交臂(brush gold )。

④ 主体段3:团队 *** 。 how to work as a team。解释:大部分的体育赛事(most )需要完美地配合( )去赢得比赛。积极参与这些体育活动( an part in these ),毫无疑问会懂得如何与他人 *** 与相处(one can learn how to and get alone with )。这种 *** 能力在我们的工作生活中非常重要(this of plays an role in work and life)。举例:在工作中,我们需要 *** ()来帮助我们更有效率地完成一件工作(work is done in a more way)。在学习上,互相 *** 帮助我们分别提升自己的成绩( our on study),并培养了良好的同学关系( a close bond among )。

⑤ 结尾段

14. Do you agree or with the ? It is for to be both ( like them) and to help .


① 开头段:At first ,being with the of .因为老师们想要 among ,往往都不会太严格()。It is that a tend to keep at arm’s (跟老师保持距离)if their keeps a poker face all day long and sets rules in class.所以反过来说如果老师为了 at the of being ,那么the and the may be .因此no 会有人质疑()学生一旦跟老师熟悉起来,那么他们上课时可能就不会把老师的要求当回事儿(take… )这自然就会影响老师的正常教学也会影响学生的学习质量。, when we take a look at this issue, 会发现想要同时做到和 class并不是那么困难。

② 主体段1:首先,老师们在设计自己的课堂的时候要充分结合学生的兴趣,将看似枯燥的学术知识( )用新颖(novel)有趣的方式表现出来。比如通过视频技术来给学生演示细胞发育成生命体的过程;让学生动手设计实验,自己去验证自己的想法,在讲解比较枯燥的数学公式时,题目的难度要设计的有针对性,不能一下子就难住学生而导致学生太挫败(),这样能让学生感受到学习的乐趣,老师也自然能在gain 的同时有效地进行了教学。

③ 主体段2:合理的课堂管理规则也可以让老师同时实现这两个目标。让学生多参与就是一种非常好的方法。比如老师在之一次上课时就让学生一起讨论并制定课堂好规则,跟学生确定好惩罚与奖励措施,并且可以给学生权利来自我管理。这样学生一方面能够感受到自己被尊重被重视,所以自然就会对老师更加尊敬,另外老师的课堂目标也能很容易地实现。

④ 结尾段

15. 一个教授被学生评为更受欢迎教授,另一个教授刚获得研究领域奖项。他们同教一门课,你会选择哪一个教授?


① 开头段

② 主体段1:选择这个教授的课程,可以更高效地获取最前沿的专业知识( the more and )。解释:因为能够获得研究领域的奖项,说明这位教授精通这一领域,有着非常专业的知识 (the is adept at this field and with a wider range of and )。因此,上他的课程我们能在最短的时间内接触到最新的技术和专业知识 (we have to the-of-the-art and when in the class)。举例论证

③ 主体段2:选择这个教授的课程,会对我们未来的求学或者职业生涯有直接的帮助(lay a solid in the post- or )。解释:因为这位教授能够获得研究领域的奖项,说明他在这个领域具有一定的知名度,也会受到同行的认可(gain in and from his peers in this field ),他的建议和想法非常地有权威性(some and ideas that are by him tend to be )。因此,在上课的过程中,我们可以和教授建立起紧密的联系(we can build and a with him the of ),从而可以在我们升学前或是步入职场前,给我们写一些推荐信(so that a from him into the job or for a ),这将能够提升我们在求学和求职时的成功率。举例论证

④ 让步段:不得不承认,选择受欢迎老师的课程,会让我们拥有一个轻松愉快的学习氛围。但是,课堂氛围太过轻松会降低学习效率;此外,受欢迎的老师可能只是性格上比较好,但专业度并不一定是更好的,如果想学习更专业的知识,更好的选择还是去听专业领域获过讲的老师的课。

⑤ 结尾段



